Please keep the Egyptian Church in your prayers. Every day since the bombing in Alexandria on New Years there have been deadly protests in various cities across Egypt (including Cairo). I realize that it often tempting to view something like this as an event that took place far away and therefore not necessarily something to prioritize in one's prayer time. However, there is a bigger picture to consider!
Even as we in the West have scoffed at bin Laden as he has declared a religious war, I think that he may have been right all along. Remember, the claim of Jesus as being the Christ is a threat to every other belief system, even to the Muslim (who would say that Jesus is one of the greatest prophets). The world cannot tolerate Jesus as God... Christians throughout history have understood this.
This past November, after a church bombing in Baghdad, al-Qaeda stated that all Christians in the Middle East will be considered as legitimate targets. Despite the oppressive efforts of the current regime to maintain control of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has continued to gain popularity. They have publicly stated that once they are in power of Egypt they will eliminate Christianity from the country. These things put some perspective on the New Years bombing. To add some personal perspective, one my friends in Egypt has some relatives who were injured in the Alexandria bombing, and many Christians in the country can no longer get into their churches because the security is so high.
1) That God would choose to protect His followers in Egypt
3) That Egyptian Christians would grow bold in their testimony of the gospel, instead of the defense of their personal "rights."
I would close with a word a word of admonishment for American Christians, including myself. The time is at hand for those who claim the name of the Lord to live in a manner worthy of the Lord. Persecution will reach us in America, despite how comfortable we may feel at the moment. This is not something to dread; indeed we have been promised this suffering as our reward for obedience to Jesus Christ. All that remains for us to do is to be faithful to the gospel despite the loss of influence that we may experience. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between power and influence. The first century Church did not have the influence to free Peter from prison, but it had the power to appeal to the God of Heaven!
May I be ever faithful; I am looking to the day that Jesus will be vindicated! (see Revelation)
Humbly Submitted,
came across this article recently:
thoughts? kind of fascinating, and encouraging...though i'd be interested to get your insider's perspective.