It must have something to do with the fact that I am entering my final semester of college, but a common topic of conversation that I conduct with folks is the will of God. On numerous occasions I have been asked, "Jonathan, what is God's plan for me? How can I find what it is that God wants me to do?"
My response to these questions is quite simple. Simple is generally the best way to go about things anyway (for example, never use a big word when a diminutive one will do!).
In all seriousness, my response is in the form of two questions:
1. How are you becoming more like Jesus, today? (sanctification)
2. What are you doing to make disciples? (obedience)
Sanctification has three aspects:
(1) at the moment of salvation when God's sets us apart (1 Cor. 6:11), (2) a continual process as we become more and more like Christ (1 Thess. 4:3), and (3) our standing before God without blame (1 Thess. 3:13). If nothing else, a single-minded desire to please God eliminates a whole lot of lifestyle choices. As a Christian works out his convictions, the direction of his/her life will certainly take shape.
Based on Matthew 28:18-20, I say with confidence that if a Christian is not in the business of making disciples, then he is not obeying God. What does "making disciples" look like? Well, that can be a post for another evening! For now, I want to make this point: becoming a disciple-maker is fundamental to being obedient to Christ's will. It is amazing how many times I have witnessed in my own life (in some cases), and in the lives of others, how God honors those who are faithful in discipling those who God brings at the present time. Think about it for a moment, How could you expect God to bring that one "big ministry opportunity" to you if you fail to be faithful to disciple the three men or women God has brought into your life for the current time? Don't you think that small group discipleship could be effective preparation for discipleship of a wife and children?
So, as we all wait patiently for God's revelation to each one of us about what we are supposed to do next year (or next week!), let's actively pursue our sanctification and discipleship opportunities. I believe that God will honor that more than you could know. And, about the whole patience thing, remember: God is seldom early, but He is never late!
Humbly Submitted,
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