The following questions were posed by my Sunday School teacher (Dr. Roy Zuck) at the conclusion of our study on the book of James. Consider them to be an effective overview of the application content in the book.
1. Am I facing some trial that is difficult to understand and accept?
2. Am I remembering that testing of my faith develops endurance?
3. If I lack wisdom about my trials, am I asking God?
4. Am I grateful for every good and perfect gift from God?
5. Am I quick to listen and slow to speak?
6. Am I listening to the Word and doing what it says?
7. Am I avoiding showing favoritism?
8. Am I living out my faith in good deeds?
9. Am I careful in what I say, realizing words are influential and can do damage like a fire?
10. Am I wise in God's eyes by living a life of purity, submission, mercy, and peace?
11. Am I avoiding quarrels and fights?
12. Am I avoiding being a friend of the world?
13. Am I submitting to God and resisting the devil?
14. Am I avoiding boasting?
15. Am I being patient when mistreated?
16. Am I anticipating the soon return of the Lord?
17. Am I praying when facing hardships?
18. Am I singing to the Lord in times of happiness?
19. Am I praying in times of sickness, realizing prayer can be powerful and effective?
20. Am I helping other believers who may have strayed from the truths of God's Word?
- JE
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